Have you reached your career peak as a leader?
Do you have insights and learning that other leaders can benefit from?
Would you value some fresh perspectives on your challenges for the year?
Leadership at any level is a tough position and it can be lonely too. But it is also an opportunity to impact everyone you touch and to make changes that will make you proud
Finding the time to focus on your development as a leader is difficult for so many reasons. Your calendar is full. Everyone wants a piece of your time and you may be struggling to get to anything beyond immediate priorities.
You need to shortcut to the support that will help you with your live problems and opportunities. You want to know that you can be honest about where you are starting from and what you are concerned about without any judgement or implications.
You do not have lots of time to commit.
In July 2020 I launched a new Peer Learning Network for senior leaders across all sectors, industries and professions. Why? Because I could not find anything similar and I had recognised patterns in the conversations I was having with leaders on a day to day basis.
The Leaders Together Apart Peer Learning Network
If any of this resonates with you, you may want to explore joining my free Peer Learning Network, Leaders Together Apart.
Since its launch, I have led over ten sessions with attendees from five countries exploring over 30 live issues leaders were seeking to progress. Attendees have worked in Health, Education, Energy, Transport, Waste, Manufacturing and Cultural Relations in different sizes and types of organisations.
I offer a limited number of places at any one time to keep the Network to a manageable size where deeper connections can be made. I am particularly keen to welcome leaders outside of the OD / HR profession.
If you are
- A practising leader in any size/type of organisation with 2+ years leadership experience?
- Keen to explore leadership and how to improve your practice
- Ready to share your own experiences and learning and to support others to grow their competence and confidence?
My FREE virtual Peer Learning Network is for you.
What can you expect to gain?
Benefits to leaders may include
- A confidential reflective place to openly share, discuss and explore challenges and achievements
- Honing critical leadership skills including listening, problem solving, reflection and many others that support social learning
- An expanded (and committed) Peer Learning Network where leadership insights and learning across sectors, organisations and professions are shared
- Actionable insights that you can embed into your leadership work straight away
- The reward of supporting and encouraging your peers.
Benefits to organisations may include
- Leaders can become ‘unstuck’, even if challenges have been considered for some time
- Best practice, diverse views and thinking are brought back into the organisation
- A shift in confidence as leaders are able to show up authentically in a psychologically safe environment
- Critical skills for learning today are role modelled and cascaded into teams
- When resources are stretched, the Network may plug a gap for those going through leadership transitions, including promotions or changes to their role
The Network is facilitated by myself with Sarah Acton. We have both held senior leadership roles in large organisations, supporting teams through challenging periods of growth and change. We are now following our passion for supporting leaders and their teams to stretch themselves and to reach their goals. Between us we have focussed professionally on performance improvement and leadership development for over 30 years. We enjoy working with and learning from each other as peers.
Sessions run every other month and are advertised widely on my social media channels. Registration is by invitation once we have had a chat so that I understand your needs. If you are interested please get in touch via liz@lizneedham.com or leaderstogetherapart@gmail.com
By contacting me you are consenting to me contacting you in relation to this and other sessions or communications relating to the Peer Learning Network. We may, from time to time, contact you regarding other services. You will always have the opportunity to unsubscribe